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Which bundesliga team did this clausewitz guy coach?

Despite what you might think Carl Von Clausewitz wasn't a successful football coach in the Bundesliga. He was the foremost military tactician of his time. He essentially invented modern warfare, strategy and tactics. He's the western Sun Tzu. What does he know about...

Which bundesliga team did this clausewitz guy coach?

Despite what you might think Carl Von Clausewitz wasn't a successful football coach in the Bundesliga. He was the foremost military tactician of his time. He essentially invented modern warfare, strategy and tactics. He's the western Sun Tzu. What does he know about...

Carl Von Clausewitz

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Which bundesliga team did this clausewitz guy coach?

Despite what you might think Carl Von Clausewitz wasn't a successful football coach in the Bundesliga. He was the foremost military tactician of his time. He essentially invented modern warfare, strategy and tactics. He's the western Sun Tzu. What does he know about...

Which bundesliga team did this clausewitz guy coach?

Despite what you might think Carl Von Clausewitz wasn't a successful football coach in the Bundesliga. He was the foremost military tactician of his time. He essentially invented modern warfare, strategy and tactics. He's the western Sun Tzu. What does he know about...

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